Anywhoodle. One of the reasons I thought to start this up was to showcase some of the crafty projects I take on. Feedback on some of the many tutorials out there in book and interweb form if you will. It just so happens that I finally put all the laundry away over the weekend and came across this big beautiful shirt. I got it last summer and it was ginormous and I was sad. I so wanted to wear it but alas, the baggy-assed t-shirt wearing days are far behind it. It was such a cool shirt that wearing it as pajamas wouldn't cut it. I wanted the public to see. I'm not so good at t-shirt remixes. I try to make the baggier ones more fitted, or the boxy ones more girly, but things always end up wonky. I have been peeking at purses lately (not that I need a new one, but I definitely want one) and started coming across bags made out of old t-shirts and then I thought "Sexy Sexy Bicycle"!!!!
Behold the wonders of DIY! Marvel at my mad cutting abilities! Be amazed that I was able to work a sewing machine for 2 minutes without jamming anything!
This tutorial came from Amy Sperber courtesy of Tease: 50 Inspired T-Shirt Transformations. The instructions could not have been simpler. I was able to knock this out in less time than a heroin addict was given an intervention on A&E (so? I watch t.v. when I craft a lot).
Step 1 - Cut off the sleeves
Step 2 - Cut a deep U around the neck area
Step 3 - I cut some length off the bottom of the shirt because it was long like longcat and I would never find anything in the bag if I left it that roomy.
Step 4 - Sew the bottom of the shirt closed (I, uh, forgot to take a photo whilst sewing. Admire my sewing machine instead)
Step 5 - Voila!